eSafety Information
It seems everywhere we go, people are engaging with technology, whether this be in the workplace, at home or indeed, walking along the street. We can now get access to information and social media every minute of every day via the many different devices that are available. This of course has its dangers and, at times, as parents we need to make sure we have done all we can to ensure our children are safe online.
This webpage will hopefully give you and your children some useful advice, links and guidance on how to manage the teenage years in a digital age.
- PowerPoint that Mr Gittins, Head of ICT presented to parents and Governors on the 4/4/2017.
Presentation - BBC News Article published on 21/4/2017 about "YouTube to offer fake news workshops to teenagers" - SecEd article published on the 26/4/2017 about "Online addiction"