Revision and Study Skills
Revision and Study Skills Development at Cowbridge SchoolLearner progression and ensuring that learners achieve their potential is at the heart of our approach to Teaching & Learning at Cowbridge School. In accordance with the principles of the Curriculum for Wales our curriculum is designed 'to support increasing depth and sophistication of learning over time. This allows space for a variety of diversion, repetition and reflection as learners’ thinking develops over time to new levels of sophistication.' An integral part of this process is the teaching of strategies that aid learning by committing information to long term memory through attention and rehearsal:

[Source: Education Endowment Foundation: Cognitive Science Approaches in the Classroom]
This page provides resources that parents/guardians may find useful in supporting their child in further developing these cognitive strategies at home as they prepare for external examinations.
Revision Skills Booklet
Six Strategies for Effective Learning (Source:
Study Skills Videos (Source: Arete Learning Trust -
Examination Support from WJEC (
Study Smart - BBC Bitesize