Cowbridge School, Aberthin Road, Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, CF71 7EN |

tel: 01446 772311 | email:

Behaviour Code


Sanctions are designed to promote positive behaviour rather than to punish students who break the code of conduct. They are most useful when seen by everyone as a deterrent. Sanctions are best dealt with on the spot by the member of staff concerned. The most effective sanctions are likely to be simple reprimands backed up by the authority of staff within the school. Consistency is essential and reprimands should be used effectively and sparingly.

General guidelines

Members of staff should:

Stage 1

Initially poor or inappropriate behaviour/poor work should be identified and dealt with by the class teacher.

  • Appropriate comments should be written in the student planner and recorded on SIMS. Parents/form tutors should be aware of this problem. Suitable action should then be initiated to address the problem. Classroom sanctions are best arranged as a hierarchy:
  • verbal warning;
  • being moved;
  • losing some of their time eg break or part of;
  • lunchtime detention;
  • exit from classroom – short “cooling off” period outside classroom;
  • exit from classroom to colleague. Pupils must not simply be sent to “find” a certain member of staff.

Stage 2

If unacceptable behaviour continues, the Head of Department (HoD) must be informed via SIMS and parents informed via planner. The HoD may decide on an appropriate course of action e.g.

  • Interview with HOD;
  • pupil placed with another member of the department or HoD for lesson;
  • pupil placed in lunchtime detention;
  • phone call home (record on SIMS);
  • departmental report monitored by HoD

Stage 3

If problems are unresolved, persist or are of a more serious nature a referral is made to the relevant Head of Year. The relevant Head of School may also become involved at this stage.

  • Pupils placed in after school detention or complete lunchtime duties. Parents are informed.
  • After referral, pupils may be placed on extended report and parents are informed.
  • If problems persist HoS must be informed.

Stage 4

  • TARGET CARD/ACHIEVEMENT RECORD – possibly leading to a Pastoral Support Plan or Individual Behaviour Plan.
  • Or Inclusion

Stage 5

Fixed term exclusion.

Stage 6

After a period of exclusion the pupil would return and sign a contract which, if breached, would result in either further periods of exclusion or permanent exclusion.


Exclusion can take place:

Rules – Pupils Must:

Basic Rules Which are Published in Classrooms

In class we expect you to:

There are 5 consequences of poor behaviour in class. These are:

Common Behaviour Issues


General “Scruffiness” Or Inappropiate Clothing – shirt, tie, trousers, short skirts etc.


If have letter:

If no letter:


Jersey style tops / hoodies / tracksuits tops / sweatshirts forbidden (including school tops designed for tours and visits).


Only a watch allowed.

Phones/ Ipods

Must not be visible at any time, unless being used as a teaching and learning aid.



Dropping Litter

Smoking – after school detention and letter home.

Out of Bounds– lunchtime detention and letter home.

Off Site Without Permission – after school detention and letter home.

Rudeness to Staff – we must have an expectation of good manners.

In a classroom/lesson - for lower level incidents the classroom teacher and department must deal initially e.g. departmental lunchtime detention.

For more serious incidents use the school referral system.

For incidents outside the classroom- a range of sanctions can be applied ( eg lunchtime or after school detention) in line with the seriousness of the incident.