Cowbridge School, Aberthin Road, Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, CF71 7EN |

tel: 01446 772311 | email:

Admissions (offline waiting update)

Welcome - Croeso!

Each year we are excited to welcome new students! We are even more excited to welcome students in September 2021, as we adapt and innovate to ensure that we equip staff and students with the best facilities, resources and  strategies, to survive and  thrive post-pandemic!

Annually, we welcome  approximately 240 pupils into  year 7,  20% of whom, are  outside of our traditional  feeder schools.  

We understand that making  an application may be a big  decision, but our process is  simple and our  Achievement Team is here  to support you  each step of  the way.


Digital Prospectus - Take a  closer look!

There are lots of considerations when deciding where to send your child to school, and different factors are important to different people. That’s why we aim to ensure that there are plenty of opportunities  during the admission process to find out more about the school. This can include browsing our prospectus, chatting with our Achievement Team, coming along for an Open Event or having a tour and discussions with Senior Staff and the headteacher.

Admissions Process - First Steps

The first step in the process is submitting an online enquiry, which you can do hereAt this point you can also request a tour. There’s no obligation to continue with an application at any stage,  and this first expression of interest it is  an opportunity to find out more information about the school and request a visit if you choose. We recommend that all new prospective parents come and join us for a face to face tour,  as we will then be able to keep you up-to-date with deadlines and upcoming events that may be of interest and provide in depth information. 


Admissions Timeline and Deadlines



Before 31st October 2020

Submit online enquiry form so that we have your details on record and can send you an application form and book a visit to the school. 


Please complete this form if you are interested in applying to Cowbridge Comprehensive School for September 2021 (click here)

27th November

Closing date for applications to the Vale of Glamorgan for school admissions.

1st March

Parents advised of places by the Local Authority.


To ensure that your child has an opportunity of accessing a place, it is important that you apply directly through the Vale of Glamorgan Council admissions page by the closing date of November 27th, 2020

Should you require any further advice from the school, please contact

Estyn Inspection Outcome 2019 (Summary)

We are thrilled with the outcome of the inspection published in June 2019. This graded all aspects of our work as ‘Excellent’ and the inspectorate felt that there were no recommendations for improvement, worthy of noting in their report.
We are immensely proud of this recognition and we are fully committed to continuous improvement and look forward to building on this success as part of the next part of our journey.

The full report can be found on the school’s website or by following the link below: 
Cowbridge School Inspection 2019

The Report Summary
Strong, assured leadership, careful curriculum planning and consistently effective teaching to educate and inspire young people have been successful in securing exceptionally high levels of pupil attainment and wellbeing at Cowbridge Comprehensive School.
Nearly all pupils display highly positive attitudes to their learning. They are enthusiastic, resourceful and independent learners. Most show resilience in their learning and remain purposeful when faced with new challenges. Nearly all behave maturely and respectfully in lessons and around the school. They are polite towards their teachers, peers and visitors and possess a strong sense of responsibility and citizenship. The proactive school council has an outstanding impact on school life playing a key role in helping pupils to develop as confident, mature citizens.
Leadership arrangements are characterised by high levels of accountability and support, particularly through the carefully planned and highly effective programme of professional learning. A strong culture of evaluation and improvement is central to the school’s work.


 Inspection Area


 Wellbeing and attitudes to learning
 Teaching and learning experiences
 Care, support and guidance
 Leadership and management
